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Application of information technologies in education of musician of choral conducting speciality

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Integration of traditional and innovative teaching methods in musical education is one of the most important tasks nowadays. In this article we consider the ways of application of information technologies in musical education of choral conducting speciality aimed to improve the quality of education of choral conductors and to develop their professional and creative capabilities in contemporary reality. We point out the expediency and necessity of forming the unified information space in several course units using the developments of information and communication technologies. The article describes how important is to combine traditional and innovative ways of teaching, involving information educational technologies into educational process, showing its efficiency and perspective. Creation of mind mapping, using web-quest technologies and building up an interactive vocabulary of course unit - are considered as ways of preserving traditional music education and its development in new delivery mode.

  • Чернышева Татьяна Алексеевна
  • Сапожникова Л. Д. Психологические закономерности организации профессиональной деятельности дирижера академического хора: дис. … канд. психол. наук: 19. 00. 03. Тверь, 2007. 154 с.
  • Словарь психолого-педагогических терминов. URL: http: // gumer. info (дата обращения: 26. 11. 2018).
Authors: Chernysheva Tatyana Alekseevna
Рубрика: Педагогические науки
Pages: 134-138
УДК: [78.071.2:378.016]:004
DOI: 10.30725/2619-0303-2018-4-134-138
Keywords: information technologies, music education, choral conducting speciality, web-quest, mind map, interactive vocabulary of course unit
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