научный журнал
вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного
института культуры

The Indian Writing Culture in the Tangut State, 11-13 century

  • Annotation
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The article is devoted to the analysis of problems of the development and the existing of Sanskrit Buddhist texts and Indian scripts in the Tangut State Xi Xia (Western Xia) (10-12 century) that was situated in the territory of modern Chinese provinces Shanxi and Gansu (PRC). The author considers shortly the history of cross-cultural relationships among Tanguts and neighborhood regions - Tibet and, mainly, China. The article also states the reasons for establishment of Buddhism in Xi Xia. The Vajrayāna («The Diamond Vehicle») Buddhist texts, very popular in the Tangut State, are considered separately. The problem of the transmission of Sanskrit by means of hieroglyphics in the writing of the Buddhist invocation-dhāranī are presented briefly. The article analyses the Buddhist invocations of the vulgar forms of popular Buddhism that have influenced significantly on the everyday culture of Xi Xia.
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Authors: Shomakhmadov Safarali Haybulloevich
Рубрика: Без названия
Pages: 134-138
УДК: 243.2-28"10/12"=211
Keywords: Indian written culture, Buddhism, Tanguts
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