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Carnival in Barranquilla, Colombia

  • Annotation
  • Authors
  • List of references
Carnival in Barranquilla in Colombia is the second of the most visited and well-known carnivals in Latin America. It is a holiday, the source of which is located in the traditional Spain and Europe carnivals, is also a result of the merger of cultural traditions in other continents. In this case, is a Union of Europeans with the natives and Africans - people of African descent. The aim of this work is the desire to find out how it happened and develops the carnival in Barranquilla, learn about its history. This discusses the various theoretical definitions of the carnival. Definition Carnaval necessary in order to better understand and feel the modern carnival in Latin America and, in particular, the carnival in the city of Barranquilla.
  • Викторино Леонардо
  • Бахтин М. М. Творчество Ф. Рабле и народная культура средневековья и Ренессанса. М., 1985. С. 9.
  • Махлина С. Словарь по семиотике культуры. СПб.: Искусство-СПб., 2009. С. 28.
  • Bacca R. I. Escribir en Barranquilla. Barranquilla: Ediciones Uninorte, 1999. P. 40.
  • Del Rio M. J. Carnival: the world upside down // Popular Culture. Connecticut, 1994.Vol. 11: The roots of Western civilization. P. 86.
  • Eco U. The frames of comic freedom / ed. by T. A. Sebeok. Berlin: Mouton, 1984. P. 72.
  • En busca de una segunda oportunidad sobre la tierra. Barranquilla: Fundación social, 1998. P. 110.
  • Lizcano Angarita M. Leyendo el carnaval. Barranquilla: Universidad del Norte, 2013. P. 24.
  • Posada Carbo E. Una invitación a la historia de Barranquilla. Barranquilla: de Comercio y Fondo Editorial, 1987. P. 111.
Authors: Victorino Leonardo
Рубрика: Без названия
Pages: 46-48
УДК: 394.25(861)
Keywords: carnival, parade, popular culture, slaves from Africa, Catholicism, Indians, Easter, Lent, king Momo, battle of flowers, dancing, Barranquilla
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