научный журнал
вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного
института культуры

Use of urban space by graffiti and street art communities

  • Annotation
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  • List of references
Youth art practices of graffiti and street art exist in the Russian cultural space more than thirty years. During this time, they have evolved norms of behaviour and ideals, have appeared rules of the use of urban space. Marked questions received almost no coverage within the Russian humanities. However, it is difficult to find a city in Russia where the art practices would not exist. This work is based on interviews conducted with members of the Samara graffiti and street art communities. It is an attempt to introduce the concept of urban space, existing within the art practices. There are three main types of work of street artists: tagging, bombing and murals. The interviews highlight the specific functions of each of the types of works and the relationship between the functions and the places for every type of works.
  • Кузовенкова Юлия Александровна
  • Уголовный кодекс РФ. URL: http: // uk-rf.com (дата обращения: 10. 11. 2017).
  • Ley D., Cybriwsky R. Urban graffiti as territorial markers // Annals of Assoc. of Amer. Geographers. 1974. Vol. 64, Dec., issue 4. P. 491-505.
  • Gangs: the origins and impact of contemporary youth gangs in the United States / ed. by S. Cummings, D. J. Monty. New York: State Univ. of New York Press, 1993. 358 p.
  • Lachmann R. Graffiti as career and ideology // Amer. j. of sociology. 1988. Vol. 94, № 2. P. 229-250.
  • От создателя «Синьки»: на Некрасовской появилось граффити «Плющ» // Большая деревня. URL: https: // bigvill.ru (дата обращения: 10. 11. 2017).
Authors: Kuzovenkova Yuliya Aleksandrovna
Рубрика: Без названия
Pages: 66-69
УДК: [76.05:72]:316.723-053.6
Keywords: graffiti, street art, youth community, city, space, communication
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