научный журнал
вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного
института культуры

Modern replica as form of reproduction of antiquity in modern culture

  • Annotation
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  • List of references
The article is devoted to the consideration of a number of aspects of modern replica practice, used in modern culture in relation to various historical and cultural traditions. Among the marked aspects: the analysis of psychological factors that promote the use of imitations and similarities of the past; consideration of the simulative component of the replica; fixation of the economic prerequisites for the distribution of modern replica. Special attention is paid to the comparison of modern replica and fake, including various options and contextual features of their relationship. The problem of the penetration of modern replica into the sphere of antiques is considered. The factor of high incidence of modern replica is analyzed within the framework of the influence of mass culture and fashion. Attention is paid to the process of «merging» of modern replica with a restored or simulated artifact. The issue of the inclination of various cultures, including the sphere of their art, to turn to the past through its imitations, is touched upon.
  • Прокуденкова Ольга Викторовна
  • Леонов Иван Владимирович
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  • Международная хартия по консервации и реставрации памятников и достопримечательных мест (Венецианская хартия) // Вестн. реставрации музейн. ценностей. 1998. № 1. С. 55-58.
  • Бергер Дж. Искусство видеть / пер. с англ. Е. Шраги. Санкт-Петербург: Клаудберри, 2012. 184 с.
  • Morelli G. (Ivan Lermolieff). Die Werke Italienischer Meister in den Galerien von München, Dresden und Berlin. Leipzig: Verl. von E. A. Seemann, 1880. XII, 500 S.
  • Бенуа А. Царское Село в царствование императрицы Елисаветы Петровны: материалы для истории искусства в России в XVIII в. по главнейшим архитектурным памятникам. Санкт-Петербург: Изд. т-ва Р. Голике и А. Вильборг, 1910. [22], 262, [4], XLVI, 59 с.
Authors: Prokudenkova Olga Viktorovna
Leonov Ivan Vladimirovich
Рубрика: Без названия
Pages: 145-150
УДК: 7.025:745/749
Keywords: modern replica, artifact, authenticity, fake, imitation, antiques, mass culture
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