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Professional tourism education: transdisciplinary approach

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The expediency of using transdisciplinary strategies in the research of the phenomena of tourism and tourism education are considered. Perspective directions of designing of tourism education on the basis of a systematic transdisciplinary thinking. Attention concentrated on the tourism problems which conditioned by terdisciplinarity of tourism, these problems arose in the process of formation of unified science - turizmologiya. Transdisciplinary strategy in higher tourism education is considered as one of the possible instruments to overcome the methodological contradiction in the solution of pedagogical problems of the higher school, requiring close connection with the practice of tourism. Distinguished multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary communication, which is the basis of a number of professional disciplines of the curriculum of the specialty «tourism» is considered. A transdisciplinary approach enables to combine traditional forms of disciplinary scientific knowledge using knowledge of sociocultural, communicative and personal experience to explore the problem object of each of the learning tourism disciplines.
  • Лесков Александр Святославович
  • Лескова Галина Андреевна
  • Князева Е. Н. Трансдисциплинарные стратегии исследований // Вестн. Том. гос. пед. ун-та. 2011. № 10 (112). С. 193-201.
  • Лескова Г. А., Лесков А. С. Концепция формирования единого культурного пространства Ленинградской области как научная основа межрегионального историко-культурного и туристского проекта «Серебряное ожерелье России» // Вестн. Нац. акад. туризма. 2016. № 3 (9). С. 234-243.
  • Зорин А. И. Дидактико-квалификационный комплекс профессионального туристского образования: автореф. дис. … д-ра пед. наук: 13. 00. 08. Москва, 2012. 35 с.
  • Колесникова И. А. Трансдисциплинарная стратегия исследования непрерывного образования // Непрерывное образование: XXI в.: науч. электрон. журн. 2014. № 4 (8). URL: http: // lll21. petrsu.ru (дата обращения: 12.02.2018).
Authors: Leskov Aleksandr Svyatoslavovich
Leskova Galina Andreevna
Рубрика: Без названия
Pages: 157-162
УДК: 338.482:378
Keywords: transdisciplinary strategy, systematic transdisciplinary approach, classification of scientific disciplines, classification of academic disciplines, comprehensiveness of tourism reality, scientific theory of tourism, practice of tourism
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