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вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного
института культуры

Painting in era of media culture

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Media culture is a phenomenon working in a bilateral way: on the one hand, it is the product of our civilization, on the other, it transforms our culture. Here, the achievements of the visual arts act as tools, and the artistic heritage turns into a part of the standard schemes for the submission of copyright material in the Internet-space or on a page in the social network. Since the second half of the twentieth century in the center of contemporary art is an art object, installation or art forms associated with new technologies. Traditional forms of fine art painting, graphics rarely become the recognized center of the new in art. At the same time, interesting processes are going on within the framework of painting. Painting remains to be affirmed in this media field, within the existing rules, either to establish its own rules or to use media opportunities for its own purposes. When analyzing the creativity of many artists, their relationship with the technological development of our media civilization becomes visible. If we do not consider the potential of the media as a platform for being and institutionalizing a work of art, then we can single out several trends in the development of painting: the use of tools and techniques from new technologies; understanding of the media reality as a new universality; a demonstration of a special illusion of authenticity in painting; a study inaccessible, according to the artist, for media cultural and subjective experience. Painting enriches itself due to the use of technologies and the possibilities of virtual reality. At the modern viewer, accustomed to media images, painting can sometimes have a greater impact than images created with the help of a computer or photographic equipment.
  • Демшина Анна Юрьевна
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Authors: Demshina Anna Yur’evna
Рубрика: Без названия
Pages: 19-24
УДК: 75.036:004.946
Keywords: media culture, post-informational society, virtual reality, actual painting, subjective picture of world
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