научный журнал
вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного
института культуры

Modern aspects of higher education in digital society

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Problems of higher education in the modern «digital» world is considered, namely, the tasks of the system are determined, the classification of skills is analyzed, structural characteristics of the main product of educational activity, which in modern formulation is called competence, are examined. The study was conducted with the involvement of a high-level descriptive model of infocommunications and an object model. The first proposed model is a multi-level architecture in which a certain system is represented in the form of an organized group of logically interacting subsystems is obtained by to describe the processes of information which interact presentation of the primary characteristics of the educational system. The second object model is necessary for effective analysis of the structure of competencies, it allows to describe both quantitative characteristics and behavioral (algorithmic) properties of the object. This analysis helps to consider the concepts of «competence», «knowledge», «skills» from a unified position and determine their relationship with each other. With the joint use of the above models, it becomes possible to analyze the competencies of any educational program, to identify the links between the elements of competences and the entities being studied. The analysis allows us to construct the «digital» competencies demanded by the market as the essence of a popular object model, while considering the educational system using the domain model of infocommunications as a «production system», which main task is to create a product with given competences (properties) possessing quantitative characteristics that it is permissible to specify formally and quantify.
  • Сотников Александр Дмитриевич
  • Катасонова Галия Рузитовна
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  • Сотников А. Д., Катасонова Г. Р., Стригина Е. В. Анализ современной системы образования на основе доменной модели инфокоммуникаций // Фундамент. исслед. 2015. № 2-26. С. 5930-5934.
  • Сотников А. Д., Катасонова Г. Р. Модели когнитивного взаимодействия в образовательных системах // Инновац., информ. и коммуникац. технологии. 2017. № 1. С. 70-73.
  • Сотников А. Д., Катасонова Г. Р. Проектирование модели образовательной деятельности на основе доменной, объектной и сервисной моделей // Соврем. наукоемкие технологии. 2018. № 2. С. 159-163.
  • Катасонова Г. Р. Проблемы обучения информационным технологиям управления и пути их решения на основе методологии метамоделирования, сервисов и технологий открытых систем // Изв. Рос. гос. пед. ун-та им. А. И. Герцена. 2014. № 167. С. 105-114.
Authors: Sotnikov Aleksandr Dmitrievich
Katasonova Galiya Ruzitovna
Рубрика: Без названия
Pages: 138-144
УДК: 378:316.422
Keywords: education, skills, competences, domain model, infocommunications, object model
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