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вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного
института культуры

Cultural industries’ relevance in preserving Kalmyks ethnic identity

  • Annotation
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  • List of references

The article is devoted to the problem of preservation of ethno-traditional principles of diff erent cultures in
the growing processes of urbanization, globalization, as well as the spread of symptoms of the information society.
It is noted that, having lost the relevant activity grounds, cultures of many ethnic groups turned out to be as open
as possible to external infl uences on their «information fi eld», which often leads to inorganic transformations
and distortions of ethnic culture as a whole. It is indicated that one of the eff ective channels of infl uence on the
ethnic sphere in modern realities are cultural industries that can infl uence the process of translation, correction
and renewal of ethno-traditional aspects of culture. On the example of the Kalmyk ethnos, the review of various
activities of cultural industries contributing to the popularization of traditional culture is carried out. The activities
of the industry of souvenirs, the industry of childhood culture, the industry of book publishing, animation and
fi lm production, the industry of holidays and festivals, the sphere of replication of household items and the
popularization of cuisine, as well as other areas are consecrated. The analysis of both positive and some negative
aspects of the activity of cultural industries in this direction is given. Expert and technological potential of cultural
studies in solving the main problems of the presented direction of activity of cultural industries is noted.

  • Улинова Инна Хонгоровна
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Authors: Ulinova Inna Khangorovha
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 35-40
УДК: УДК 008:39(=512.37)
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2019-2-34-39
Keywords: ethnos, ethnicity, ethnos culture, tradition, cultural industries, image, globalization, information society
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