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«Suf ering artifacts» of historical-cultural heritage

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The article is devoted to the analysis of features of monuments of cultural heritage, historical biographies of which contain tragic situations accompanied by injuries of their material component and «semantic aura». The reasons for the popularization of the monuments at the level of mass culture as a result of their injuries are indicated. The main forms of «suffering» of artifacts, expressed in the appearance of their «scars» of history, obtained as a result of military conflicts, vandalism, mockery, theft, deliberate damage, displacement, separa-tion, etc., are fixed. Such forms of mutilation of monuments of culture, as the threat of their disappearance as a result of «congenital» and «acquired ailments», are touched upon. Forms of non-material injuries and «suffer-ings» of monuments of culture are fixed. The liminal status and multilayered historical-cultural structure of the studied artifacts are indicated. The analysis is made of practices of work with similar artifacts in the field of cul-tural heritage, many of which are aimed at preserving and maintaining the «etalon» layers of monuments. The reasons are indicated, according to which it is not always advisable to completely «heal» problem artifacts, completely eliminating them from the other impact of history and congenital ailments. The article contains many examples illustrating various forms of injuries of the studied artifacts, as well as the practice of working with them

  • Леонов Иван Владимирович
  • Грусман Янина Владимировна
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Authors: Leonov Ivan Vladimirovich
Grusman Yanina Vladimirovna
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 61-67
УДК: УДК 7.025:351.853.1
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2019-3-61-67
Keywords: cultural heritage, artifact, monument, «multilayered» artifact, memoria, historical memory, gestalt, imaginary, semantic aura
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