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Musicians are teachers of mid-twentieth century in culture of Yakutia

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he formation of professional music education in the culture of Yakutia began in the middle of the 20th century, when graduates of the Moscow, Leningrad and Kiev conservatories fruitfully worked in the republic. Thanks to their skill and pedagogical talent, the professional musical culture of the republic was formed. Coverage of the activities of outstanding musicians, teachers, consideration of the lines of their life and work contribute to building a holistic history of the musical culture of Yakutia. The article shows the importance of the activities of teachers of the Yakutsk Music and Art School, who in the middle of the 20th century were at the origin of professional music education in Yakutia, in the development of Russian musical culture. On the basis of archival documents, publications of dif erent years, the personal correspondence of the author, the lines of creative continuity of teachers and their outstanding students working in dif erent cities of Russia are presented. Particular attention is paid to the dramatic fate of talented music teachers and teachers Vasilij Aleksandrovich Suprunenko and Аkiva Iudovich Zemmel’.

  • Устьянцева Елена Валентиновна
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Authors: Ust›yantseva Elena Valentinovna
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 104-108
УДК: УДК 78.071.4(470+571.56)«195»
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2019-3-104-108
Keywords: musical education, musical culture, Russian performing school, pedagogical experience, professional musicians
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