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вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного
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Specif cs and prospects of development of modern youth leisure

  • Annotation
  • Authors
  • List of references

Youth leisure has its own characteristics: focus on interests and needs, originality of the environment, increase in the share of spiritual forms of leisure, an acute need for communication with peers, a tendency to play activities, the prevalence of recreational activities in the structure of leisure, a factor of prestige of a particular form of leisure expressed need for creativity, computerization and Internet. The qualities of life of a society, its economic and social stability, morality are largely determined by the characteristics and level of development of young people as an integral part of it. The upbringing and development of the young generation should be carried out with the participation of all social institutions, and especially through various cultural institutions. Many scientif c papers have been devoted to the study of culture and leisure structure, but the problem of improving the youth and society as a whole with the help of adequately organized leisure remains relevant and have prospects for further study.

  • Кавера Виктория Анатольевна
  • 1. Zagrebin V. V. Approaches to the def nition of thecategory «youth». Concept: sci.-methodical electronic j.2014. 2, 26–30. URL: http://e-koncept.ru/2014/14030.htm(accessed: June 27. 2019) (in Russ.).2. Zaynutdinova A. R. Modern trends in the formationof leisure interests of young people in the conditions ofsociety transformation.Bull. Tambov. State Univ.2010. 8,66–70 (in Russ.).3. Zagidullina M. V. Teens: reading and the Internetin everyday life.Sociol. studies. 2016. 5, 115–123 (in Russ.).4. Vishnyakova A. A. Trends in the use of free timeof Russian youth.Bull. of the Buryat. State Univ.2014. 6 (1),80–83 (in Russ.)5. Sukalo A. A. Сhildhood сulture: resources ofcounteraction manipulative practices.Bull. of Saint-Petersburg State Univ. of Culture.2019. 1 (38), 156–162(in Russ.).6. Sokolov A. V., Scherbakova I. O. Values of post-Soviet humanitarian students.Sociol. studies. 2003. 1,28 (in Russ.).
Authors: Kavera Victoria Anatolievna
Рубрика: Педагогические науки
Pages: 114-119
УДК: УДК 379.81-053.6
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2019-3-114-119
Keywords: youth, youth culture, socialization, leisure, leisure activities, cultural and leisure sphere
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