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вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного
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Preparation of the vocalist concert number

  • Annotation
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The main aspects related to the specif cs of the preparation of the concert number of the singer are considered. The materialswere studied and the main components were analyzed when staging the «stage number». Stylistics of pop-jazz music is characterizedby a special approach in preparing concert-stage numbers in this stream of musical art. Acquaintance with the stage image, artisticand musical structure of the performed work, penetration and comprehension of dramatic development, development of the stagespace in the preparation of the concert number determined the need to introduce a new specif c, only for this genre concept of «stagenumber». Exploring all the diversity and versatility of the performer when working on the performance (including all the variety ofexpressive means), the author attempts to f nd the optimal solution to the artistic tasks: dramaturgy, image, plastic, stage movement,costume, multimedia technology and as accurately as possible to determine the tasks and goals for creating convincing image of a singer.

  • Корнеев Николай Константинович
  • 1. Great Russian encyclopedia. URL: https://bigenc.ru/theatre_and_cinema/text/4916473 (accessed:16.05.2019)2. Kuznetsov E. M. From the past of the Russian stage:historical essay. Moscow: Art, 1958. 367 (in Russ.). 3. Uvarova E. D. Pop Theater: miniatures, reviews, music halls: (1917–1945). Moscow: Art, 1983. 320 (in Russ.).4. Rybakova E. L. Development of pop music in modernRussia: traditions, prospects, research. Sankt-Peterburg:SPbSUKA, 2006. 278 (in Russ.).5. Konnikov A. P. World Stage. Moscow: Art, 1980. 272 (in Russ.).6. Dmitriev Yu. A. Stage and circus through the eyes of alover: col. papers. Moscow: Art, 1971. 207 (in Russ.).7. Bogdanov I. A. Production of pop numbers. 2nd ed.amend. and suppl. Sankt-Peterburg: Publ. SPbSATA, 2013.331 (in Russ.).8. Of cial website of Barbara Streisend. URL: https://barbrastreisand.com/biography/ (accessed: May 19.2019).9. Petrov A. Song // Variety of Russia. Of the twentiethcentury: lexicon. Moscow, 2000. 440 (in Russ.).
Authors: Korneev Nikolay Konstantinovich
Рубрика: Педагогические науки
Pages: 125-128
УДК: УДК [784.75.071.2:792]:378
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2019-3-126-129
Keywords: concert number, variety, miniature, art of small forms, dramatic development, artistic structure of the image, stylistics, stage image, stage space, «stage number».
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