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Digital and educational resources in a process of preparing a musician

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The potential of digital technologies in educational process is discovered in the article. New trends and modern ways of usingthe educational technologies in order to prepare a musician-performer were demonstrated accordingly. The electronic recoursesin educational area were analyzed and tested in top rank educational institutions with specialty in « Musical and instrumental arts».A comprehensive analysis of the main features was performed within the musician’s expertise in following areas: informative,methodical and educational. The specif cs of digital educational resources was shown in musical performance, in methods andresearch areas of music, organology, musical education, dissection of educational experience. Discovered competence marks inmusical performance, creative self-regulation. The potential and trends of using digital forms of scientif c and methodologicalactivities are described in the article, along with introduction to electronic learning tools and a role of distance education and itsinf uence on a process of preparation the musician. The article opens new opportunities for musicians using digital technologies,but also shows certain limitations in a process of becoming a musician.

  • Рытов Дмитрий Анатольевич
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Authors: Rytov Dmitrii Anatolievich
Рубрика: Педагогические науки
Pages: 135-139
УДК: УДК [78.071.2:378.016]:004
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2019-3-135-139
Keywords: musical education, musical and performing activities, musical instruments, information and educa-tional environment, information technology, distance education, multimedia content
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