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вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного
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Cultural-leisure activities of libraries:document f ow analysis

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The signif cant experience of the library as a social institution in the implementation of cultural-leisure activities is noted.The importance of cultural-leisure activities of modern library practice and the relevance of its theoretical understanding isemphasized. On the basis of bibliographic and full-text information resources (electronic catalogs, abstract journals, bibliographicindexes, specialized databases etc.), the analysis of documentary f ow associated with cultural-leisure activities of libraries wascarried out. Its dynamics, typical structure and content characteristic are revealed. It is shown that the core of publications are articles; the professional periodicals, which are the most popular platforms for the productive ref ection of the research topic,are indicated. The thematic characteristic of the documentary f ow as a whole is presented in 12 main aspects considered inpublications on the cultural-leisure activities of the library are outlined. Particularly developed aspects of the cultural-leisureactivities of public libraries have been discovered and the most promising research questions have been identif ed.

  • Жегульская Юлия Владимировна
  • Савкина Светлана Владимировна
  • 1. Havkina L. B. Book and library / pref. by S. A. Basov,I. N. Kachkovskaya. Sankt-Peterburg: Publ. house of Nat. Libr.of Russia, 2011. 152 (in Russ.).2. Levina Е. O. Cultural and leisure activities of publiclibraries in a single socio-cultural space of St. Petersburg.URL: http://fulltext.pl.spb.ru/unor/metod/Levina%20E.O.%20Kulturno-docugovaay_2008.pdf (accessed: June 8. 2019) (inRuss.).3. Electronic catalogue of Russian State Library. URL:https://www.rsl.ru/ru/4readers/catalogues/ (accessed: June 8.2019) (in Russ.).4. Electronic catalogue of National Library of Russia.URL: http://nlr.ru/poisk/ (accessed: June 8. 2019) (in Russ.).5. Electronic catalogue of Kemerovo V. D. Fedorovregional scientif c library. URL: http://www.kemrsl.ru/opac.html (accessed: June 8. 2019) (in Russ.).6. Electronic catalogue of Scientif c library of Kemerovostate Institute of culture. URL: https://library.kemgik.ru/cgi-bin/irbis64r_15/cgiirbis_64.exe?LNG=&C21COM=F&I21DBN=KEMGIK&P21DBN=KEMGIK (accessed: June 8. 2019) (in Russ.).7. University library online: Direct-Media. URL: https://biblioclub.ru/ (accessed: June 8. 2019) (in Russ.).8. Library and bibliography: annot. bibliogr. / Sci. CentrInformkul’tura, Rus. State Libr. Moscow, 2008–2018 (in Russ.).9. Library and bibliography: database / Sci. CentrInformkul’tura, Rus. State Libr. URL: http://infoculture.rsl.ru/RSKD/asp/XDB/user_ifc.htm?BB@@ (accessed: June 8. 2019)(in Russ.).10. Informatics: ref. j. / VINITI RAN. Moscow, 2008–2018(in Russ.).11. Zhegul’skaya Yu. V., Savkina S. V. The importanceof competence in the area of cultural and leisure activitiesin modern librarians education.World of science, culture,education. 2019. 1 (74). 233–239 (in Russ.).
Authors: Zhegulskaya Julia Vladimirovna
Savkina Svetlana Vladimirovna
Рубрика: Документальная информация
Pages: 151-156
УДК: УДК [021:002.5]:378(083.74)(476)
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2019-3-151-156
Keywords: document f ow, library event, leisure work of a library, cultural-educational work of a library, cultural-leisure activities, public library
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