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Folklore foundations of Kyrgyz performing arts

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The development of scenic art is an important component of modern culture of Kyrgyzstan and in many respects determinesthe creative unity of the elements of literature, music, plastics, and the skill of the actors. The origins of Kyrgyz performing arts are based on folk tradition and folklore. The problem of the formation of scenic art, in particular, the opera and ballet theater,is based on the comprehension of the historical signif cance of folk sources. The mastery of Kyrgyz folklore – the epos «Manas»,the improvisational art of folk akyns, manaschi, snits (creative singers), djomokcha (storytellers), chechens (speakers), kuduuls (wits and comedians), as well as komuzcha, kyakcha, choorcha (performers instrumental art) is a f eld of study of folk tradition,the existence of customs and rituals, which will allow developing modern musical art in its best examples, facilitating the searchfor new forms and means of expressiveness in improving the classical heritage country. The Manas epos as a source of Kyrgyz folklore is analyzed in detail in the article.

  • Уланова Алина Улановна
  • 1. Vinogradov V. C. Kyrgyz folk musicians and singers.Moscow: Soviet composer, 1972. 96 (in Russ.).2. Brudny D. L. From the history of Russian-Kyrgyz literarylinks. Frunze: Kirgiziya, 1960. 208 (in Russ.).3. History of Kyrgyz art: a brief essay / ed. member-cor.Kyrgyz Acad. of Sciences A. Saliev. Frunze: Ilim, 1971. 406 (inRuss.).4. Simakov G. N. Public functions of Kyrgyz folkentertainment in the late XIX – early XX centuries.: ist.-ethnogr.essays. Leningrad: Science, 1984. 229 (in Russ.).5. Vinogradov V. C. Toktogul Satylganov and Kyrgyzakyns. Moscow; Leningrad, 1952. 241 (in Russ.).
Authors: Ulanova Alina Ulanovna
Рубрика: Искусствоведение
Pages: 173-176
УДК: УДК с792ю5:398(=512.154)
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2019-3-173-176
Keywords: scenic art, national traditions, folklore, the epos «Manas», folk origins, ceremonies, games, customs.
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