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Silver phalerae with elephant from the Hermitage Collection

  • Annotation
  • Authors
  • List of references

The actuality of this work is the new view on the two silver phalera with the war elephant image. These applied arts itemsare kept in the Hermitage and were published by the well-known researcher K. V. Trever. The aim of this research is to makemore exact and to broaden, with the help of the newest facts, the knowledge about these phalerae. On the basis of modernfacts these phalerae were made between the III –I centuries BC. They were produced in the territory of either Greco-Bactria or some Indo-Greek kingdom or the Seleucid state.

  • Попов Артем Анатольевич
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Authors: Popov Artem Anatol’evich
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 103-108
УДК: УДК [745.042:599.61](396.4)(-03/-01)
Keywords: Hellenistic period, Hellenistic culture, Bactria, Greco-Bactria, phalera, war elephants
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