научный журнал
вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного
института культуры

Representative features of Russian arthouse cinema

  • Annotation
  • Authors
  • List of references

The article is devoted to analyzing the cinematic representative potential that determines the socially and artistically signifi cant functions of cinema as art and cultural practice. The arthouse’s representing strategy aims at refl ecting narrow author’s meanings. It causes the greatest research interest because the art cinema often comes into confrontation with the generally accepted policy of representation or cinematic visualization cultural phenomena. Theoretical and methodological approaches to understanding the representative possibilities of cinema are described, an analysis of the visual images of urban space in modern Russian art house cinema is presented. In an attempt to explore the specifi c marks of the arthouse way of representing images and meanings, the comparative method was used (on the example of K. Seliverstov’s art fi lm “The Process” and T. Reshetnikova’s documentary fi lm “Two Names of the Same City”)

  • Данилова Виктория Дмитриевна
  • 1. McDonald K. Film Theory. The Basics. London, NewYork:  Routledge, 2016. 206 p. (in Russ.). 2. Woolf V. Cinema. Moscow, Ad Marginem Press, 2014. 80 p. (in Russ.). 3. Benjamin W. The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction / W. Benjamin. Moscow: Medium, 1996. pp. 15–65. (In Russ.). 4. Crary J. Techniques of the Observer. On Vision and Modernity in the Nineteenth Century. Moscow: V-A-C press, 2014. 256 p. (in Russ.). 5. Falzon Chr. Philosophy Goes to the Movies: An Introduction to Philosophy. London, New-York:  Routledge, 2002. 230 p. 6. Kashani T. Movies Change Lifes. Pedagogy of Constructive Humanistic Transformation. Peter Lang Inc., 2016. 146 p. (in Russ.). 7. Dobrotvorsky S. Leningrad cinema: evolution of the author’s tradition // Petersburg “new cinema”. Digest of articles. SPb., 1996. p. 34–46. (in Russ.). 8. Volman N. Documentary Cinema: New Times // Petersburg “new cinema”. Digest of articles. SPb., 1996. p. 158–177. (in Russ.). 9. Stishova E. Russian cinema searching of reality. M.: Agraf, 2013. 464 p. (in Russ.).
Authors: Данилова Виктория Дмитриевна
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 12-16
УДК: УДК 791.2(470)
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2020-2-12-16
Keywords: cinema, arthouse cinema, documentary cinema, visual turn, representation, long shot
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