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вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного
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Features of the national culture of childhood: 1985–1991

  • Annotation
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The problem of the impact of the visual environment on the culture of childhood in the context of the national culture of the period of perestroika is Raised. The author reveals the dependence of the visual sphere of children’s culture on a certain historical state of the national culture as a whole, including historical and contextual circumstances, the state of value-semantic and political-ideological spheres, the prevailing behavior stereotypes, etc. The characteristic of the childhood culture of the period preceding perestroika, including its visual background, is much regulated by the state. The article analyzes the main trends of the perestroika culture as the beginning of the transition period, combining the features of the outgoing type of culture with the appearance of a large fl ow of innovations, largely coming from outside. The author reveals the features of the visual content of children’s culture, refl ecting the contradictory trends of the time. The text contains several examples of children’s visual products, including printed publications, propaganda products, newsreels, feature fi lms and documentaries that illustrate and justify the presentation of the material and the conclusions of the article. It is concluded that the visual environment of childhood culture needs a «protective belt» and system regulation by the state in order to preserve and popularize the system-forming foundations of national culture, ensuring its cultural and genetic continuity and stability. 

  • Измайлова Эмма Вячеславовна
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Authors: Izmaylova Emma Vyacheslavovna
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 26-32
УДК: УДК[316.613:159.922.736.3]”1985/1991”
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2020-2-26-32
Keywords: childhood culture, visual environment, Soviet culture, perestroika, communications, transitional era
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