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Sociocultural trends in development network multimedia resources for intercultural communication

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The article defi nes network multimedia and information resources (N MIS) as a phenomenon of cross-cultural communication, which is understood as a variety of information and communication technologies and network products based on them (search engines, websites, applications, etc.). NMIS provide interaction between representatives of diff erent cultures in a wide range of areas, regardless of their territorial distance from each other and language barriers, as well as opportunities for targeted positive infl uence on the processes of transformation of the socio-cultural environment, and on communicants as subjects of real multicultural communications. It is proved that purposefully and structured parameters of the content of cross-cultural communication of a certain topic set content-organizing resources, provide information support for the offi  cial position of the state on issues of cross-cultural interactions. Content-forming resources serve as a network environment for interpersonal communication between representatives of diff erent cultures and are characterized by greater pluralism, discussion, and sometimes even confl ict. The main groups of NMIS created on diff erent social network web services are identifi ed and sociocultural guidelines for the development of network multimedia and information resources are Defi ned. 

  • Марданшин Айдар Рафаэлевич
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Authors: Mardanshin Aidar Rafaelevich
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 51-57
УДК: УДК 004.77:316.776
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2020-2-51-57
Keywords: network multimedia and information resources, intercultural communication, content-forming resources, information and communication technologies, network products
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