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Theatricalized excursion in modern practices of socio-cultural animation

  • Annotation
  • Authors
  • List of references

Actual socio-cultural task is to ensure creation of conditions for personality harmonious development, its self-realization and active participation in cultural life. Multifarious socio-cultural practices are aimed at solving this problem; they contribute to involvement of man in various types of cognitive, creative, artistic, communicative activities. One of these practices is sociocultural animation, which is considered in this article as a kind of technology, purpose of which is stimulation, motivation, involvement, activation, empowerment of a person in implementation of cultural and educational activities. Theatricalized excursion as form of socio-cultural animation is played important role in process of stimulating person cultural and educational activity. Theatrical excursion has unifi ed artistic image, through excursion participant is «immersed» into action, his cognitive sphere and emotions are activated. There are many diff erent artistic and expressive means that allow to realize plan, idea, main content of theatricalized excursion. In this article such techniques as personifi cation; costume; collective improvisation; competition; creating a historical background are described.

  • Рябова Татьяна Викторовна
  • Фридолина Наталья Александровна
  • 1. Yaroshenko N. N. Socio-cultural animation: textbook. 2nd ed., rev. and add. Moscow. 2005. 126 (in Russ.). 2. Tarasov L. V. Ideological aspects of animation in Russia and abroad. Bulletin of Moscow State University of Culture and Arts. 2010. 2 (34), 116–122 (in Russ.). 3. Ikonnikova S. N. (ed.), Chepeleva V. I. (ed.). Club science: textbook for inst. of culture, arts. Moscow: Prosveshcheniye, 1979. 397 (in Russ.). 4. Korotkova M.V. Theater and museum: the use of theatrical techniques in the cultural and educational activities of the museum. Science and School. 2018. 4, 128–132 (in Russ.).
Authors: Ryabova Tatiana Viktorovna
Fridolina Natalia Aleksandrovna
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 104-108
УДК: УДК 379.8:069.124
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2020-2-104-108
Keywords: social and cultural practices, social and cultural activities, cultural and educational activities, animation, social and cultural animation, theatricalization, theatricalized excursion
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