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вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного
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Museum lessons as a way for developing educational school tourism

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The article states the problem of looking for the ways to develop Russian educational school tourism. The problem of cultural education of schoolchildren should be solved by the Federal project “Live lessons”, supported by a number of subjects of the Russian Federation.  The projects approved in tourist and excursion practice within the framework of the above mentioned project. Also, the author underlines that excursion activity originates from educational school excursions, which are fi xed in the Russian practice in the XIXth century. Developing school tourism is seen as promising not only by modernizing excursion routes and improving the method of conducting excursions, but also by introducing innovative forms of cultural and educational activities.  So in this way the author suggests to implement “live lesson” as an interactive program that correlates with the educational process, involving museum and pedagogical methods, and having the structure of a traditional school lesson. 

  • Абрамова Полина Валерьевна
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Authors: Abramova Polina Valerievna
Рубрика: Педагогические науки
Pages: 126-131
УДК: УДК 069.121
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2020-2-126-131
Keywords: educational school tourism, museum, cultural and educational activity, excursion, actualization, cultural heritage
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