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The development of the skill to work in a team as a research problem

  • Annotation
  • Authors
  • List of references

The research presents a detailed analysis of research projects on team building as a mechanism of eff ective use of human potential to improve the quality and effi  ciency of activities in organizations. It was stated that at the end of the XX-beginning of the XXI-centuries this topic was widely studied in sociology management, later- in economics, psychology, pedagogics and less often in technical science. The research gives characteristics to the process of creating a students’ team in stages: the choice of a group leader (formal or informal); the formation under his leadership of a management team of students focused on the eff ective implementation of managing  functions, the creation of a united  team of like-minded people as part of a creative / educational / scientifi c team. There have been identifi ed areas for research which haven’t yet been described in other sources: the conditions for  functioning of homogeneous and heterogeneous students’ teams, the factors of the organization of extracurricular student art groups, the methodological basis of a united team work of school teachers, university teachers and students. 

  • Тихонова Анна Юрьевна
  • Журавлев Андрей Юрьевич
  • 1. Kayser Thomas A. Building team power: how to unleash the collaborative genius of work teams. New York, 1994. 411. 2. Parker G. M. Cross-functional teams: working with allies, enemies and other strangers sited. San Francisco, 1994. 380. 3. Bruce A., Pepitone J. S. Motivating employees. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1999. 122. 4. Ilyina G. N. The development and functioning of management teams at modern industrial eneterpeises: dis. on competition of sci. degree PhD in Sociology: 22.00.08. Volgograd, 2004. 260 (in Russ.). 5. Sharuk E. K. Formation of motivation of a management team: dis. on competition of sci. degree PhD in Psychology: 19.00.05. Moscow, 2004. 168 (in Russ.). 6. Hasina P. L. Role composition of the team and the dynamics of its eff ectiveness: dis. on competition of sci. degree PhD in Psychology: 19.00.05. Moscow, 2011. 155 (in Russ.). 7. Rudestam K. Group psychotherapy. Psychocorrective groups: theory and practice. Moscow: Progress, 1993. 368 (in Russ.). 8. Syomova A. A. Psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of the ability to create a selfmanaged team in students – future managers: dis. on competition of sci. degree PhD in Psychology: 19.00.07. Samara, 2009. 192 (in Russ.). 9. Ivlev A. V. The creation of a students’ team in the educational process at the university: dis. on competition of sci. degree PhD in Pedagogy: 13.00.08. Magnitogorsk, 2006. 191 (in Russ.). 10. Kukushkin M. V. Economics and management of teamwork of on-line training in the system of professional training: dis. on competition of sci. degree PhD in Economy: 08.00.05. Ivanovo, 2003. 160 (in Russ.).
Authors: Tikhonova Anna Yurevna
Zhuravlev Andrey Yurevich
Рубрика: Педагогические науки
Pages: 144-148
УДК: УДК 378.147
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2020-2-144-148
Keywords: team building, effi cient management, the quality of education, teamwork, students’ union, competitiveness of specialists
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