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вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного
института культуры

Department «Arts» in the Imperial Public Library (1808-1849)

  • Annotation
  • Authors
  • List of references

The bibliographic classifi cation established by the Empress Catherine II in 1795 based on the collections of the Zalusky brothers by the Imperial Public Library was established by A. N. Olenin. In this part of the «Arts» section, it had many shortcomings, which was associated with insuffi  cient development of the economy and agriculture and sports. The exact number of units related to this section before the complete processing of all funds and the introduction of responsibility for each department was diffi  cult to establish at that time. Nevertheless, the special eff orts of V. I. Sobolshchikov by the end of the 1840s, the fi rst catalog of prints was created, highly appreciated by contemporary experts. 

  • Михеева Галина Васильевна
  • 1. Imperial Public Library for 100 years (1814–1914). Saint Petersburg, 1914. 481, XXVI (in Russ.). 2. Olenin A. N. The Experience of a new bibliographic order for the St. Petersburg Imperial Library. Saint Petersburg, 1809. 110, [2] (in Russ.). 3. Outline of the Russian-Imperial open library. Department of Archival Documents of the National Library of Russia (DAD NLR). F. 1. Op. 1, 1, 14–21 (in Russ.). 4. Konovalova M. N.; Mikheeva  G. V. (prep. to the publ., com., sci. ed.); Gilyarevskiy R. S. (sci. ed.). History of cataloging of the collections of the National Library of Russia, 1795–1917. Saint Petersburg, 2014. 303. URL: vivaldi.nlr.ru (accessed: Jan.02.2020) (in Russ.). 5. About sending library offi cials to the College of Jesuits to inspect books. DAD NLR. F. 1. Op. 1. 1815, 15, 19 (in Russ.). 6. Lander I. G., Mikheeva G. V. 1800–1811. Alexander Sergeevich Stroganov. History of the Library in the bio graphies of its directors, 1795–2005. Saint Petersburg, 2006. 30– 49 (in Russ.). 7. Olenin A. N. On the bibliographic system for placing books compiled by d. s. s. Olenin. DAD NLR. F. 1. Op. 1. 1808, 49, 201 (in Russ.). 8. History of the State Order of the Red Banner of Labor of Saltykov-Shchedrin State Public Library. Leningrad, 1963. 436 (in Russ.). 9. Shamurin Ye. I. Essays on the history of the librarybibliographic classifi cation. Moscow, 1959. 2, 563 (in Russ.). 10. Department of manuscripts of the N ational library of Russia (DM NLR). F. XVIII, 32. 11 (in Russ.). 11. Rules for compiling catalogs of the Imperial Public library in alphabetical order. May [29] day of 1819. Saint-Petersburg, 1819. 13 (in Russ.). 12. Mikheeva G. V. 1843–1849. Dmitriy Petrovich Buturlin. History of the Library in the biographies of its directors, 1795–2005. Saint Petersburg, 2006. 78–93 (in Russ.). 13. Shcherbak N. L. V. I. Sobolshchikov – architect of the new reading room of the Imperial Public library. National library. 2018. 1 (11), 42–51 (in Russ.). 14. DM NLR. F. 539. V. F. Odoyevskiy. 107. 207 (in Russ.). 15. Golubeva O. D., Mikheeva G. V. 1849–1861. Modest Andreevich Korf. History of the Library in the biographies of its directors, 1795–2005. Saint Petersburg, 2006. 94–135 (in Russ.).
Authors: Mikheeva Galina Vasil’evna
Рубрика: Документальная информация
Pages: 166-171
УДК: УДК 027.54(470.23-25)”1808/1849”
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2020-2-166-171
Keywords: Imperial Public Library, National Library of Russia, A. N. Olenin, V. I. Sobolshchikov, classifi cation of funds, literature on art
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