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First catalogue of ancient clay vases of the Hermitage and its European prototypes

  • Annotation
  • Authors
  • List of references
The article deals with the first catalogue of ancient clay vases of the Hermitage, published by Ludolf Stephani in 1869 in Saint-Petersburg in German. The catalogue is sill the fullest edition of the Hermitage collection of vases, which had been composed to 1862. The most known in the 19 century catalogues of the collections of ancient clay vases in private and public European museums are analyzed in the article, as well as the question about their influence on the Stephani’s catalogue.
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Authors: Petrakova Anna Evgen’evna
Рубрика: Без названия
Pages: 98-105
УДК: 738.032(03)=112.2
Keywords: Ludolf Stephani, ancient clay vases, the Hermitage catalogue of ancient vases, catalogues of vases collections of the 19th century
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