научный журнал
вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного
института культуры

Features of Russian fashion practices

  • Annotation
  • Authors
  • List of references
The article investigates the development of the practice of fashion and the fashion industry in the former Soviet area. Focuses on the analysis values​​, the place and role of fashion in the socio-cultural aspect. Defined features of formation and development trends of domestic and images of modern fashion. Analyzes the significance and popularity of representative careers in design and fashion. Domestic practices are considered fashion in the process of integration into the European culture and in the context of consumer culture. Analyzes the image and taste preferences of Russian consumers.
  • Яковлева Мария Викторовна
  • Агеев В. Семиотика. М.: Весь мир, 2002. С. 108-109.
  • Берн Ш. Гендерная психология. М.: Олма-пресс, 2001. С. 163-196.
  • Геодакян В. Эволюционная логика дифференциации полов и долголетие // Природа. 1983. Т. 1.
  • Самоненко О. С. Ассоциативно-образный метод проектирования костюма: автореф. дис. … канд. искусствоведения: 17. 00. 06 / СПбГУСЭ. СПб., 2012. 23 с.
Authors: Yakovleva Mariya Viktorovna
Рубрика: Без названия
Pages: 128-132
УДК: 391(470)
Keywords: Russian fashion, fashion theory, practice of fashion, social culture, the images of the post-Soviet fashion, the domestic consumer practices
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