научный журнал
вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного
института культуры

The methodological aspect of music teaching in China on the example of the fifth secondary school in Songshan district

  • Annotation
  • Authors
  • List of references

This article was created because of attending classes of seventh and eighth graders at the 5th Middle School
in Chifeng City, Songshan District, PRC in 2018. After studying and analyzing the materials and experience of
music teachers in this class, the article describes the music lessons that are being conducted and presents some
recommendations for the development of music education in Chinese secondary schools. This work is the second
in a series of articles on music education in China (the first was devoted to the methodology of teaching music
lessons in elementary school).

  • Юньвэньтин Хао
  • 1. Jan Bokhua. Music education in secondary schools ofmodern China: abstr. dis. on competition of sci. degree PhDin Pedagogy: 13.00.02. Saint-Petersburg, 2009. 25 (in Russ.).2. Music (Numbered musical notation). Beijing: Publ.education, 2013. 61.3. Zhou Qi. Aesthetic experience in music appreciationteaching. Beijing: China Music Education, 2012. 56.4. Wu Bin. Music teacher’s mission is to use musicto educate students. Beijing: China Music Education,2007. 56.
Authors: Yunwenting Hao
Рубрика: Педагогические науки
Pages: 139-142
УДК: УДК 792.7.071.2:159.944.4
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2020-3-139-142
Keywords: music education in China, high school, musical notation, music lessons
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