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вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного
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«Deputy of the Baltic»: dramatic representation of the image

  • Annotation
  • Authors
  • List of references

Theatrical and cinematic future of so-called by «revolutionary tale» by L. Rakhmanov is unique by its establishment. Both script
and screenplay went through several editions. The result contains typical signs of soviet propaganda of 1930s, in all their contradictory
continuity. Artistical research is united with soviet agitation, gravity of dramaturgical conflict is united with gravity of philosophical conflict.
Main character, professor Polezhaev, is good representative of prerevolutionary intelligentsia, positively accepts changes after 1917. His
opinion becomes the reason of occurrence of two groups, supporters and opponents of main character. Leonid Rakhmanov’s libretto
had four varieties: staged one («Hectic senility») and two screenplays. All of them are diff erent from “Baltic deputy” (1937, ed. by I. Hejfic
and A. Zarchi). Analysis of plot evolution, from the scenario idea to the finished film, is important for the large amount of people, from the
cinephiles to the experts such as dramatists, editors and directors. Authors’ ways of «Polezhaev’s case» creation (on the stage, in scripts and
film) are significant. Theme of intellectual who lives in eras’ breaking point and confidently declares his honest citizenship is still important.

  • Еременко Евгений Дмитриевич
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  • Rakhmanov L., Zarkhi A., Kheifits I. Deputy of the Baltic.Book of scenarios. M.: Goskinoizdat, 1938. 297–334 (in Russ.).
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Authors: Еременко Евгений Дмитриевич
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 33-38
УДК: УДК 821.161.1.09-2:323.329
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2020-4-33-38
Keywords: dramaturgy, editing, cinematography, theater, intelligentsia, revolution, enlightenment, Soviet propaganda
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