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The role of visual communications in the formation of the Soviet childhood culture of 20–30 years of XX century

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In modern Russia, which is gradually overcoming the post-Soviet transition period, symptoms of culture stabilization are
manifesting themselves, with the emergence of its new ordered historical type. A separate direction in the implementation of the
task is a targeted impact on the culture of childhood through the appropriate humanitarian technologies, the essence of which
boils down to the use of special forms of infl uence on human consciousness and behavior. The article is devoted to the study of
visual communications in the formation of Soviet childhood culture in the 20-30s of the XX century. The source base of the issue
is poster, illustrative and film production, which played a leading role in the formation of value-semantic, as well as political and
ideological attitudes in Soviet society. The article describes the means of vi sual impac t aimed not only at children, but also at adults.
Numerous examples of «humanitarian technologies» applied in the sphere of children’s culture of the period under review are given.

  • Измайлова Эмма Вячеславовна
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Authors: Izmaylova Emma Vyacheslavovna
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 39-44
УДК: УДК 7.067:316.7-053.2“192/193”
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2020-4-39-44
Keywords: visual communications, childhood culture, Soviet culture, humanitarian technologies, film production, visual impact
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