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The influence of folklore and genres in V. Bibergan’s music

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  • List of references

Vadim Bibergan’s music for Russian folk orchestra is important artistic phenomenon and material for study
of his musical style. The patterns that define this style are rooted in many of its aspects. Among them, two very
noticeable ones can be distinguished: the influence of various genre models and the connection between the
composer’s music and folklore, both Russian and foreign. The infl uence of folk music is determined by at least three
parameters: attitude towards quotations from folklore primary sources, the formation and development of musical
material, and the introduction of syncretistic features with other arts. The connection of the composer’s works
with various genre models is defi ned as stable, organic and interpreted in different ways within the framework
of the entire work of Bibergan. Both above influences are organically built into the style and are its substantial
component. Their definition and description are the essence and task of the article, the implementation of which
determines its originality and positivity from the point of view of subsequent research on the same topic. The study
used the original compositions for the orchestra of Russian folk instruments, the analysis of which is an additional
contribution to the study of the music of the St. Petersburg author.

  • Миняков Иван Дмитриевич
  • Kruglik V. L. Folk-instrumental bases musical style ofV. D. Bibergan. Bulletin of the Saint-Petersburg State Universityof Culture. 2017. 2 (31), 126–129 (in Russ.).
  • Bibergan V. D. «Russian funs»: the history of the idea.Russian folk orchestra and its conductor: Problems andperspectives. Education: coll. of sci. art. SPb., 2011. 89–99 (inRuss.).
  • Pashina О. А. (ed.). Folk music creation: textbook.Saint-Petersburg: Compozitor, 2005. 568 (in Russ.).
  • Nazaikinsky E. V. Style and genre in music: study guidefor univ. students. M.: Humanitarian publ. center VLADOS,2003. 248 (in Russ.).
Authors: Minyakov Ivan Dmitrievich
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 59-63
УДК: УДК 785.1:78.031.4(=161.1)
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2020-4-59-63
Keywords: Vadim Bibergan, Russian folk orchestra, folklore, compositional techniques, syncretism, music’s genres, thematic quoting
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