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Culturological aspect in restoration of objects of artistic and historical heritage

  • Annotation
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  • List of references

The authors of the article consider restoration not only as a practice of recreating lost elements of cultural monuments, but also
as a form of cultural refl ection. Much attention is paid to the professional qualities of the restorer, including the analysis of the General
culture of the specialist, his ability to think in the fi eld of historical, cultural and philosophical epistemes. The authors focus on the problem
of choice in the restoration of severely damaged objects when the question arises about the need to layout the object or recreate it in
modern materials. The degree of authenticity of the material used is studied because of the attitude to the phenomenon of authenticity
of a thing in the context of historical discourse, which is determined by the historical consciousness of a modern person. The article
addresses the issue of studying the history of restoration as a scientific and practical fi eld of activity, pays attention to the difference
between scientifi c and amateur restoration, and provides examples of restoration work to restore the loss of cultural heritage objects.

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  • Мохамед Хассан Ахмед
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Authors: Mukhin Andrei Sergeevich
Mohamed Hassaan Ahmed
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 64-71
УДК: УДК 7.025.4:008
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2020-4-64-71
Keywords: cultural heritage, philosophy of culture, historical monument, restoration, cultural customs and traditions, authenticity of cultural works
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