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Semantics of the image of an eagle in the traditional culture of Sakha

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The article is focuses on the analysis of various meanings of the image of the eagle in the Sakha culture. It addresses of the
presence of the “zoomorphic code” in traditional Yakut culture. The significance of the ornithological pantheon, including the
Siberian Crane, swan, and other zoomorphic characters of the Yakut world picture, is determines. The main focus in the article is
on the spectrum of meanings of the image of the eagle, including the perception of this bird as: one of the supreme deities, the
king-bird; the warrior spirit of the Upper World, named Hunchbacked Hotoy (Eagle) Aiyy; principles legitimizing power; like a
bird giving a stone of happiness; a fairy bird Bar Jagyl; a solar symbol associated not only with the sun but also with the cyclical
change of seasons; as the ancestor and patron of the Yakut shamans; as the two-headed mythical bird Yoksyu; as a messenger of
the spirit of war; patrimonial, sexual and individual totem; a heraldic image; as a personification of victory; amulets; the bird that
gave people fi re; an oracular bird; as a form of embodiment of the soul of the deceased, going to heaven, etc. Fixed connotations
of the eagle’s image are coupled with numerous examples from epic texts, legends, tales and songs. Modern interpretations of
the image of the eagle, genetically related to the traditional sphere of the Yakut culture are dealt separately.

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Authors: Suzdalova Ulyana Petrovna
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 104-110
УДК: УДК 598.279.23:39(=512.157)
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2020-4-104-110
Keywords: traditional Yakut culture, cultural genesis, «zoomorphic code», eagle, olonkho, shaman, totem, amulet
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