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Foreign book science: analysis of research approaches (on the example of translated monographs)

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The fourth article in a series of publications devoted to the current state of aff airs and prospects for the development
of book history sources, used in educational programs in Russian and foreign universities, substantiates the need to analyze
monographic publications. The works prepared in the framework of the American-Canadian, Polish, and French bibliological
schools in the second half of the XX - early XXI centuries and translated into Russian are explored in detail. Despite the inconsistency
of some publications, it is concluded that multiple research approaches (functional, systematic, semiotic, medialogical) coexist
productively, allowing to unfold the heuristic potential of the discipline from different perspectives. It is a continuation of the
article «Publications on book science and history of the book, used in the educational process abroad. Part 1. Study materials».

  • Эльяшевич Дмитрий Аркадьевич
  • Мутьев Виктор Алексеевич
  • 1. El’yashevich D. A., Mut’ev V. A. Local textbooks onthe theory of book science. Bulletin of Saint Petersburg StateUniversity of Culture. 2019. 4, 179–183 (in Russ.).2. El’yashevich D. A., Mut’ev V. A. Local textbooks onthe history of the book. Bulletin of Saint Petersburg StateUniversity of Culture. 2020. 1, 177–187 (in Russ.).3. El’yashevich D. A., Mut’ev V. A. Publications on bookscience and history of the book, used in the educational processabroad. Part 1. Study materials. Bulletin of Saint Petersburg StateUniversity of Culture. 2020. 2, 181–189 (in Russ.).4. Finkelstein D., McCleery A. An introduction to bookhistory. London; New York: Routledge, 2013. 175.5. Levy M., Mole T. The broadview introduction to bookhistory. Peterborough, Ontario: Broadview Press, 2017. 256.6. Chervinsky M. System of the book / M. Chervinsky.Semiotics of the book / T. Zbersky. M.: Kniga, 1981. 128 (in Russ.).7. Migon’ K. Book science: a problem-oriented essay. M.:Kniga, 1991. 198 (in Russ.).8. Lukyanova N. A. Communicative worlds ofCh. S. Peirce. Scientifi c and technical bulletin of the St.Petersburg State Polytechnic University. Humanities andSocial Sciences. 2012. 1, 235–243 (in Russ.).9. Barbier F.; Kushnareva I. (transl.); Markova A. (sci. ed.).Gutenberg’s Europe: the book and the invention of western modernity(XIII–XVI centuries). M.: Gajdar Inst. Publ. house, 2018. 491 (in Russ.).10. McLuhan H. M. Understanding media. M.: Kuchkovopole, 2011. 464 (in Russ.).11. Debrje R. Introduction to medialogy. M.: Praksis,2009. 362 (in Russ.).12. Habermas Ju. The structural transformation of thepublic sphere: an inquiry into a category of bourgeois society.M.: Ves’ mir, 2016. 342 (in Russ.).13. McKenzie D. F. Bibliograpy and the sociology of texts.Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1999. 130.14. Dejk T. A. van. Discourse and power: a representationof dominance in language and communication. M.: URSS;Librokom, 2013. 340 (in Russ.).15. Lippman U.; Barchunova T. V. (transl.). Public opinion.M.: In-t Fonda «Obshhestv. mnenie», 2004. 382 (in Russ.).16. Darnton R. Censors at work. How states shapedliterature. M.: Novoe lit. obozrenie, 2017. 384 (in Russ.).
Authors: Elyashevich Dmitry Arkadevich
Mut’ev Viktor Alekseevich
Рубрика: Документальная информация
Pages: 180-196
УДК: УДК 002.2(100)(091)
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2020-4-180-186
Keywords: book science, history of the book, media, mass communication, semiotics, higher education
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