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Cycle events as a promising direction of the literary museum

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A long-term, mutually interesting relationship with the public is the goal of most of the world’s museums. The author of the article suggests that a promising form of organizing museum events are programs of a regular type, formed into thematic cycles. The study explains both theoretical grounds and practical arguments emphasizing the relevance of the application of this form of events in the practice of museums. The study was based on the experience of The National Pushkin Museum, which demonstrated the possibility of multifaceted coverage of a given topic within thematic cycles, synthesizing in one event different forms of impact on the visitor. Review of cycle-type programs of two other museums – The Pushkin Museum and The State Literature Museum, confirms the conclusions that this form of organizing events contributes to the development of the cultural and educational aspect of museum activities, an increase in the number of regular visitors, an increase in the professional motivation of museum staff, and forms a favorable image of the museum, increasing its competitiveness. The prospect of cyclical events is reflected in modern trends in society towards self-education.

  • Зайцева Мария Викторовна
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Authors: Зайцева Мария Викторовна
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 28-35
УДК: УДК 069.12:82
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2021-1-28-35
Keywords: cycle events, museum audience, regular visitor, museum subscription, lecture cycle, museum image, literary museums, museum and society, cultural and educational programs, The National Pushkin Museum
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