научный журнал
вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного
института культуры

«History of culture in exile»

  • Annotation
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Review of the monograph: Bazanov P. N. «Petropolsky Tacitus» in exile : the life and work of the Russian historian Nikolai Ulyanov. – Saint-Petersburg: Vladimir Dal’, 2018. – 511 p. – ISBN: 978-5-93615-196-5 The monograph by Piotr N. Bazanov is devoted to Russian historian immigrant of the second wave, professor Nickolay I.  Ulyanov (1904–1985). His life like an adventure novel, his scientific and creative heritage in the book explored thoroughly and deeply which allows us to take a fresh look at the history of Russian emigration and return unfair forgotten name of expatriate historian.

  • Арифуллин Фарит Мунерович
Authors: Arifullin Farit Munerovich
Рубрика: Рецензии
Pages: 187-189
УДК: УДК [930:325.2(092)(470)](049.32)
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2021-1-187-189
Keywords: Nickolay I. Ulyanov, emigration of the second wave, history of emigration
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