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Mikhail Ivanovich Antonovsky – founder of the Imperial Public Library

  • Annotation
  • Authors
  • List of references

The history of the creation of the Imperial Public Library for more than two centuries has continued to excite researchers of Russian culture., Monographs have been created dedicated to the figures who stood at the head of the emerging Library in the first years of its creation in the late 18th – early 19th centuries. Meanwhile, the figure of Mikhail Ivanovich Antonovsky, a writer, historian, translator, one of the most enlightened people of that time, remained outside the sphere of attention for many years. He was destined to live and create in a difficult time of Russian history – during the time of N. I. Novikov, A. N. Radishchev, the spread of Freemasonry in Russia, the government’s reaction to the Great French Revolution, during the reign of three emperors – Catherine II, Paul I and Alexander I, who understood in different ways the role and place of the national library that was being created, to fight foreign dominance in it, to prevent its plundering and disbandment.

  • Михеева Галина Васильевна
  • Antonovsky M. I. Notes of Mikhail Ivanovich Antonovsky. Russian archive. 1885. 2, 143–178 (in Russ.).
  • Antonovsky Mikhail Ivanovich. Russian biographical dictionary. Saint-Petersburg, 1900. 2, 228 (in Russ.).
  • Shevyrev S. History of the Imperial Moscow University, written for its centenary, 1755–1855. M., 1855. XII, 584 (in Russ.).
  •  Makogonenko G. P. Nikolay Novikov and Russian education of the 18th century. Moscow; Leningrad, 1951. 544 (in Russ.).
  • Bakhtiarov A. A. History of the book in Russia. Moscow, 2010. 303 (in Russ.).
  • Zapadov  V.  A. Was Radishchev the author of «Conversations about the Son of the Fatherland»? XVIII century / IRLI (Pushkin House). Saint-Petersburg, 1993. 18, 131–155 (in Russ.).
  • Simankov V. I. From searches about the journal «Evening Dawn» (1782). XVIII century / IRLI (Pushkin House). Saint Petersburg, 2011. 26, 169–487.
  • Ilizarov S. S. Moscow intelligentsia of the 18th century. Moscow, 1999. 369 (in Russ.).
  • Semennikov V. P. Literary and social circle of Radishchev. A. N. Radishchev: materials and research. Moscow; Leningrad, 1936. 213–289 (in Russ.).
  •  Pichugin P. P. Basic trends in the development of book publishing and book distribution in Russia in the 18th century: dis. on competition of sci. degree PhD in history. Moscow, 2003. 259 (in Russ.).
  • Antonovsky M. I. Inscription of the Russian-Imperial Open Library. Department of Archival Documents of the National Library of Russia (DAD NLR). F. 1. Op. 1. 1797. 1, 14–21 turn., 27–38 (in Russ.).
  •  Vaneev A. N. Development of library science thought in Russia, XI–early XX century. Saint-Petersburg, 2018. 346 (in Russ.).
  • Wolftsun L. B. 1797–1800. Marie-Gabriel-FlorentAuguste de Choiseul-Guffier. History of the Library in the biographies of its directors, 1795–2005. Saint-Petersburg, 2006. 10–29 (in Russ.).
  •  Department of Manuscripts of NLR. F. 603. 107, 41 turn. – 42 turn. (in Russ.).
  •  Imperial Public Library for 100 years (1814—1914). Saint-Petersburg, 1914. 481, XXVI (in Russ.).
  •  Lander I. G., Mikheeva G. V. 1800—1811. Alexander Sergeevich Stroganov. History of the Library in the biographies of its directors, 1795–2005. Saint Petersburg, 2006. 30–49 (in Russ.).
  •  DAD NLR. F. 1. Op. 1. 1797. 1, 9–9 turn. (in Russ.).
  •  DAD NLR. F. 1. Op. 1. 1797. 2, 18 (in Russ.).
  • The case of the appointment of a pension to the librarian M. I. Antonovsky. February 1–26, 1812. Russian State Historical Archives. F. 733. Op. 15. 21, 7 turn. (in Russ.).
  •  Suvorov A. V. Science to win: letters. Reiss. 1809. Vyatka, 2011. 141 (in Russ.).
  •  Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkin House). Department of Manuscripts. F. 405. 4, 221 (in Russ.). 22. Shilov L. A. Antonovsky Mikhail Ivanovich. Employees of the National Library of Russia – scientists and cultural workers: biogr. words. Saint Petersburg, 1995. 1, 54–58 (in Russ.)
Authors: Mikheeva Galina Vasil’evna
Рубрика: Документальная информация
Pages: 180-186
УДК: УДК 027.54(092)(470.23-25)
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2021-1-180-186
Keywords: N. I. Novikov, A. N. Radishchev, Catherine II, Imperial Public Library, history of libraries, National Library of Russia
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