научный журнал
вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного
института культуры

State institutions for the promotion of gifted children and youth

  • Annotation
  • Authors
  • List of references

The problem of identifying gifted children, to a greater or lesser extent, has always been relevant. In the modern world, one of the main tasks of any society is the formation of a cultural and intellectual base. The rapidly changing picture of the world in the last thirty years has been reflected in the musical culture and in the musical education of Russia. To some extent, the achievements, successes and victories that characterized Soviet musical performance were, if not lost, then diminished in the 1990s. In practice, only at the end of the 2000s. a full-fledged support system for talented children and youth began to revive. Each country is fighting for the opportunity to possess these resources. This article provides an overview of the most significant projects in the Russian Federation aimed at identifying and further promoting young talents in various fields of cultural activity.

  • Сачкова Татьяна Викторовна
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  • Burdina E. V. Artistic and pedagogical environment for the development of a person’s creative giftedness. Society and law. 2011. 4 (36), 244–248 (in Russ.).
  •  Myagkikh A. A. Problems and mechanisms for improving the national system for identifying and supporting gifted and talented youth in Russia. Public administration: electronical vestnik. 2019. 75, Aug, 227–248. URL: http://ejournal.spa.msu.ru/vestnik/item/75_2019miagkikh.htm (accessed: June 07.2021) (in Russ.).
  •  Instruction of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation dated Dec. 1.2016 N Pr-2346 (p. 4b). President of Russia: website. 2016. Dec. 5. URL: http://kremlin.ru/acts/assignments/orders/53425 (accessed: Mar.02.2021) (in Russ.).
  • St. Petersburg House of Music: a step into the future. Kirov College of Musical Art I. V. Kazenina: website. URL: https://kkmi.ru/sankt-peterburgskij-dom-muzyki-stupen-vbudushhee/ (accessed: Febr.23.2021) (in Russ.).
  •  The house where the stars are lit. Saint-Petersburg vedomosti. 2015. Sep. 2, N 162 (5535). URL: https:// spbvedomosti.ru/news/culture/dom_gde_nbsp_zazhigayut_ zvezdy_/ (accessed: Mar.03.2021) (in Russ.).
  •  III International Grand Piano Competition for young pianists: website. URL: https://matsuevcompetition.com/ru/ (accessed: Mar.04.2021) (in Russ.).
  •  Yuri Bashmet’s educational center. Presidential Grants Fund. Vidnoe Children’s Art School: website. URL: http:// vidnoe.mo.muzkult.ru/obr_centr_bashmeta (accessed: Mar.18.2021) (in Russ.).
  • Personal grants from the Vladimir Spivakov Charitable Foundation were awarded to young musicians. ClassicalMusicNews.Ru. URL: https://www.classicalmusicnews. ru/reports/imennye-granty-blagotvoritel-nogo-fondavladimira-spivakova-vrucheny-yunym-muzykantam/ (accessed: Mar.22.2021) (in Russ.).
Authors: Sachkova Tatiana Viktorovna
Рубрика: Педагогические науки
Pages: 138-142
УДК: УДК 376.545
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2021-2-138-142
Keywords: gifted children, government projects, intellectual resources, festivals, government policy to support talents
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