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Speech disorders of foreigners in object-explanatory complex structures

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The article presents syntactic errors in the written speech of foreign students, which are allowed in a complex sentence with an object-explanatory subordinate part in the RCT course and classifies and qualifies the main errors in these constructions in the speech of foreigners. During the study, it was found that violations in a complex sentence that occur in written texts (exercises and tasks) of foreigners do not hinder the understanding of the meaning of the utterance, so it will be correct to qualify them as communicatively insignificant errors that do not complicate the act of communication. However, the error analysis also showed that some violations are difficult to recover, so they should be characterized as communicatively significant errors. The analysis will allow us to detail the classification of syntax errors, will contribute to the development of methods for eliminating typical speech errors.

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Authors: Tskhovrebov Alan Soltanovich
Рубрика: Педагогические науки
Pages: 100-105
УДК: УДК 811.161.1’367.335:811.161.1’243
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2021-3-100-105
Keywords: complex sentence, Russian as a foreign language, syntactic errors, error correction methods
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