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Posthumanism and the esoteric aspect of Russian cosmism

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The article is devoted to the criticism of posthumanistic ideas about the future of humanity. As an alternative to posthumanism, the article considers the ideas of esoteric Russian cosmism. The posthumanistic blurring of the boundary between humans and animals is disputed, the posthumanistic thesis about the prosthetics of human nature is disputed. It is shown that European culture traditionally distanced itself from animality; within the framework of ancient philosophical schools and Christian asceticism, healing from the passions meant maximum control over animal impulses in the human soul. The ideal of vigilance at every moment was characteristic of both the schools of ancient philosophy and the spiritual exercises of Christians. The article also challenges the thesis of posthumanists that the human self is only a temporarily stabilized form that arose from contact with non-human subjects. The article highlights the theosophical and anthroposophical trends in esoteric Russian cosmism. The role of theosophical and anthroposophical concepts in the cultural space of the Silver Age is shown. The ideas about spiritual evolution characteristic of the esoteric Russian cosmism are considered

  • Александров Илья Юрьевич
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Authors: Alexandrov Il’ya Yur’evich
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 6 - 12
УДК: УДК [130.2(=161.1):2-17]:141.33
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2021-4-6-12
Keywords: Russian cosmism, humanism, posthumanism, esoteric cosmism, theosophy, anthroposophy
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