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Images of the G. A. Bürger’s ballad «Lenora» in the visual arts

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The ballad of Gottfried August Burger «Lenora» (1773) quickly gained fame after its publication in many European countries, including Russia. Many of the European artists were quick to respond to this ballad in their work. In their drawings, engravings and paintings, you can see how the mystical rider on horseback rushes through the air in the night, barely touching the ground and embracing a sensual girl. The images of this ballad were extremely popular in the art of the 19th century. Russian-speaking readers with the ballads of G. A. Bürger was introduced at the beginning of the 19th century to V. A. Zhukovsky, having compiled a poetic arrangement of Lenora into Russian in as many as three versions (Lyudmila (1808), Svetlana (1812), Lenora (1831)), only one of them is close to the original, the other two are a more free arrangement of the burgher text with the use of the Russian national flavor. For domestic artists of the 19th century, this plot in the free interpretation of V.  A.  Zhukovsky; they are attracted by the prospect of transferring the national color, the opportunity to describe the details of the Old Russian interior and national costume with ethnographic accuracy.

  • Христолюбова Татьяна Павловна
  • 1. Zhukovsky V. A.; Vetsheva N. Zh. (comp., ed.), Zhilyakova E. M. (comp., ed.). Complete works and letters: in 20 vols. Moscow: Languages of Slavic Cultures, 2008. 3: Ballads, 456 (in Russ.).
  • 2. Shapiro B. L. Horse and rider in myths and images of Russian culture. Herald of Culturology. 2019. 3 (90), 119–121. (in Russ.).
  • 3. Fedotova L. V. The originality of the ties between Russian romanticism and folk culture in the context of the European artistic tradition. Chelyabinsk State University Bulletin. 2010. 32 (213). Philology. Art history. 48, 149–152 (in Russ.).
  • 4. Zhiljakova Je. M. «The Bronze Horseman» by A. S. Pushkin and the ballads of V. A. Zhukovsky of the 1830s. Tomsk State University Bulletin. 2004. 282, 169– 173 (in Russ.).
  • 5. Duganov R. Pictorial souvenirs of Russian writers from the 17th to the early 20th centuries. Moscow: Sovet. Rossija, 1988. 256 (in Russ.).
  • 6. Vjotsheva N. Zh., Zhiljakova Je. M. Ballads and stories of Zhukovsky. Zhukovsky V. A. Complete works and letters: in 20 vols. Moscow: Languages of Slavic Cultures, 2008. 3: Ballads / c
Authors: Khristolyubova Tat’yana Pavlovna
Рубрика: Искусствоведение
Pages: 121 - 126
УДК: 821.112.2-14”17”:7.03(=161.1)”18”
DOI: 10.30725/2619-0303-2021-4-121-126
Keywords: Gottfried August Bürger, Vasiliy Zhukovsky, Ari Schaeffer, Frank Kirchbach, Karl Bryullov, Aleksandr Novoskoltsev, romanticism in literature, romanticism in the visual arts, ballades
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