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Cultural potential of N. A. Rubakin’s reading heritage

  • Annotation
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  • List of references

The analysis of N. A. Rubakin’s contribution to the conjugation of culturological and bibliopsychological approaches based on his six fundamental works is presented. The chronological principle of considering the development of his scientific ideas, their study and application in practice is used. The transdisciplinarity of Rubakin knowledge is substantiated by the example of reader studies in the era of digitalization of reading. The logic of scientific and practical thinking of N.  A.  Rubakin is demonstrated. From the study of the reader in Russia to the creation of bibliopsychology, which is the methodological basis of digital reading in the paradigm of semiotic psychology. The article considers the cultural context in the reader’s studies in education and self-education, in the understanding of an educated, intelligent person based on the principles of democratization and personal approaches. The vector of reading culture development based on critical thinking and the «ladder theory» consisting of a number of steps leading to the achievement of acme in the service of the reader is indicated. It is summarized that all the activities of N. A. Rubakin are an independent powerful research cultural and psychological-pedagogical institute.

  • Бородина Валентина Александровна
  • 1. Rubakin N. A. Etudes about the Russian reading public. Rubakin N. A. Favorites: in 2 vols. Moscow: Kniga, 1975. 1, 33–104 (in Russ.).
  • 2. Rubakin N. A. Among books. Rubakin N. A. Favorites: in 2 vols. Moscow: Kniga, 1975. 1, 105–210 (in Russ.).
  • 3. Borodina V. A. Reader studies: science, education, practice. Saint-Petersburg: Saint-Petersburg State Inst. of Culture, 2018. 248 (in Russ.).
  • 4. Rubakin N. A. Letters to readers about selfeducation. Rubakin N. A. Favorites: in 2 vols. Moscow: Kniga, 1975. 2, 3–126 (in Russ.).
  • 5. Rubakin N. A. The main tasks of librarianship. Rubakin N. A. Favorites: in 2 vols. Moscow: Kniga, 1975. 2, 127–146 (in Russ.).
  • 6.  Rubakin  N.  A. The practice of self-study. Rubakin N. A. Favorites: in 2 vols. Moscow: Kniga, 1975. 2, 147–247 (in Russ.).
  • 7. Rubakin N. A. Book psychology. Moscow: Acad. project; Triksta, 2006. 798 (in Russ.).
  • 8. Borodina V. A. Bibliopsychology in the culture of the text activities. Bulletin of the Saint-Petersburg State University of Culture. 2018. 3, 137–141 (in Russ.).
Authors: Borodina Valentina Aleksandrovna
Рубрика: Документальная информация
Pages: 134 - 141
УДК: 02-057.4(=161.1)”1862/1946”:028.02
DOI: 10.30725/2619-0303-2021-4-134-141
Keywords: N. A. Rubakin’s legacy, cultural potential, reader studies, cultural code, bibliopsychological values, semiotic psychology, digitalization of reading, education, self-education, personal approach, transdisciplinarity
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