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The Challenges of the Online Teaching/Learning during COVID-19 Pandemic: Croatian Perspective

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The COVID-19 pandemic brought into the focus of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) the need to further develop digital education (DE). The new situation has changed the learning and teaching process of students and teachers everywhere. This paper focuses on two main issues: the situation at Croatian HEIs and the DECriS (Digital Education for Crisis Situations: Times When There Is No Alternative) project which has been just approved by the Erasmus + program. Among the Project goals are assessment of the current state-ofthe-play and the diversity of approaches in the adoption of DE during the present pandemic, and in particular how students and teachers perceive DE during the COVID-19; offering an interactive directory of OERs and the set of criteria which will contribute to their evaluation in order to improve their content, production, reutilization and use, not only at project partners’ HEIs but wider; offering an Apprenticeship Framework which could improve the cooperation between business and private sectors and HEIS in crisis situations

  • Иванович Мартина Драгия
  • Бадурина Борис
  • Апарач-Йелушич Татьяна
  • 1. Preporuke za održavanje nastave na visokim učilištima u razdoblju pandemije bolesti COVID-19 uz primjenu protuepidemisjkih mjera / Hrvatski zavod za javno zdravstvo, Min. znanosti i obrazovanja Rep. Hrvatske, Sveučilištem u Zagrebu. Zagreb, 31. kol. 2020. URL: https:// www.hzjz.hr/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/PREPORUKE_ visoka_ucilista_31_08_2020.pdf (accessed: Nov.28.2021).
  • 2. Preporuke za održavanje nastave na visokim učilištima u razdoblju pandemije bolesti COVID-19 uz primjenu protuepidemisjkih mjera: nadopuna preporuka od 31. kol. 2020 / Hrvatski zavod za javno zdravstvo, Min. znanosti i obrazovanja Rep. Hrvatske. Zagreb, 27. studnoga 2020. URL: https://www.unizd.hr/Portals/0/Nadopuna%20 Preporuka%20za%20odrzavanje%20nastave%20za%20 VU_27_11_.pdf (accessed: Nov.28.2021).
  • 3. Izazovi u visokom obrazovanju za vrijeme pandemije bolesti COVID-19 i socijalne izolacije: iskustva i potrebe studenata i djelatnika visokih učilišta / Agencija za znanost i visoko obrazovanje. Zagreb, 2020.
  • 4. Meschede C., Ortiz-Repiso V., Kluin M. Library and Information Science Education in Europe: Building an Interactive Map. The Future of Education in Information Science: Proceedings from FEIS – Intern. EINFOSE Symp. 10–11 Sept. 2018. Pisa, Italy / Univ. of Osijek. Fac. of Humanities and Social Sciences; ed. T. Aparac-Jelušić, V. Casarosa, E. Macevičiūtė. Osijek, 2018. 217–222.
Authors: Ivanović Martina Dragija
Badurina Boris
Aparac-Jelušić Tatjana
Рубрика: Документальная информация
Pages: 148 - 153
УДК: [02:378.14](497.5):616.98-036.21
DOI: 10.30725/2619-0303-2021-4-148-153
Keywords: COVID-19 pandemic, Croatian HEIs, DECriS Project, digital learning (DL), Erasmus +, LIS education, open electronic resources (OER)
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