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вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного
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The first experiments in attribution of decorative and applied art objects in Russian museums of the 18th–19th centuries

  • Annotation
  • Authors
  • List of references

The development of a theoretical concept of attribution of a museum object is one of the urgent problems of modern museology. Reception of attribution is considered as one of the stages of scientific research of a museum object, involving a comprehensive disclosure of the properties inherent in the object such as material, shape, size, manufacture, purpose, style, time and place of manufacture, author’s note, social and ethnic environment, historical and memorial significance. The theoretical substantiation of attribution, as an established form of purely practical museum activity, is unthinkable without referring to the historical retrospective of the issue. The article attempts to analyze the earliest experiences of attribution practice in the largest Russian museums of the 18th-19th centuries. As a subject area, the author refers to the collections of decorative and applied art.

  • Королева Мария Евгеньевна
  • 1. Pavlovich M. K. Reorganization of the Kremlin treasuries and workshops under Peter I. Peter the Great is a reformer of Russia. Moscow, 2001. 13, 139–143. (Materials and research State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve «Moscow Kremlin»; 13) (in Russ.).
  • 2. Felkerzam A. E. Inventory of the silver of the Court of His Imperial Majesty: in 2 vols. SaintPetersburg, 1907. 2: Inventory of gold and silver items stored in the storerooms of the imperial Winter, Anichkov and Gatchina palaces, IV, 769 (in Russ.). 
  • 3. Neverov O. Ya., Piotrovsky M. B. Hermitage. Collections and collectors. St. Petersburg: Slavia, 1997. 242 (in Russ.). 
  • 4. Rodimtseva I. A. The museum in the past and present. Treasures of Russia: pages of the historical biography of the Moscow Kremlin museums. Moscow, 2002. 5–11. (Materials and research State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve «Moscow Kremlin»; 14) (in Russ.). 
  • 5. Georgi I. G. Description of the Russian-imperial capital city of Saint-Petersburg and sights in the vicinity of it: in 2 p. Saint-Petersburg, 1794. 2, 273–576 (in Russ.). 
  • 6. Levinson-Lessing V. F. History of the Art Gallery of the Hermitage (1764–1917). Leningrad: Art, 1985. 407 (in Russ.). 
  • 7. Kondakov N. P. (comp.). Index of the Department of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. St. Petersburg: type. Moscow Railways, 1891. [3], 369 (in Russ.). 
  • 8. Malinovsky A. F. Historical description of the ancient Russian museum, called the Workshop and the Armory, found in Moscow. Moscow: type. Imp. Moscow univ., 1807. 1, [4], XLIV, 139, [1] (in Russ.). 
  • 9. Liven G. Je. (comp.). Imperial Hermitage. A guide to the study of Peter the Great and the Gallery of Jewels. Saint-Petersburg, 1901. 124 (in Russ.). 
  • 10. Zhil’ F. A. (comp.). Museum of the Imperial Hermitage. Description of the various collections that make up the Museum, with a historical introduction to the Hermitage imp. Catherine II and the formation of the Museum of the New Hermitage / Museum of the Imp. Hermitage. Saint-Petersburg: typ. Imp. Acad. Sciences, 1861. XXXIII, 409, [10] (in Russ.). 
  • 11. Western European applied art of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance from the collection of A. P. Bazilevsky: cat. exhib. / State Hermitage. Leningrad: State Hermitage, 1986. 128 (in Russ.).
Authors: Koroleva Marija Evgen’evna
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 54 - 58
УДК: [069.5:745”17/18”:7.072.5]
DOI: 10.30725/2619-0303-2022-1-54-58
Keywords: attribution, arts and crafts, inventories, the Armory Chamber, the State Hermitage Museum
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