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Creativity in the system of leisure concepts

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Creativity and leisure are two closely related factors of human life. However, the change in the angle of analysis of «creativity» as a new professional and economic phenomenon has created a gap between creative and leisure processes. In today’s crisis realities, the creative sector faces practical difficulties. The answer to the current challenges of the creative class can be found by referring to the fundamental leisure concepts, which long before the emergence of the paradigm of the «creative era» predicted and recorded the most important trends in the functioning of modern society. Analysis of the ideas of «civilization of leisure», «knowledge society», «bohemian bourgeois», «creative class», etc. reveals the basic, but neglected in practice, principles of civilizational progress based on creativity, which become the basis for creating a new format for the functioning of creative industries, presented in this work.

  • Мацко Виктория Александровна
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Authors: Matsko Viktoriya Aleksandrovna
Рубрика: Педагогические науки
Pages: 118 - 123
УДК: 379.8.091.4:316.733
DOI: 10.30725/2619-0303-2022-1-118-123
Keywords: creativity, creative industries, creative spaces, leisure, creative class, bohemian bourgeois, leisure civilization
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