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Problems and prospects of using online learning technologies during the COVID-19 pandemic

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The problems of the study are related to the active implementation of distance learning in the activities of higher education institutions in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of the article is to identify ways to improve the online learning process, considering the interests of all its participants. Research methodology: analysis of the practice of organizing educational activities in remote mode during the pandemic and a sociological survey (questionnaire) of teachers and students. In accordance with the purpose, the tasks of the survey included the identification and comparative analysis of the opinions of the subjects of the educational process about the advantages and disadvantages of online learning, evaluating its effectiveness and determining ways to improve its effectiveness. It is concluded that taking into account the results of research, along with the implementation of the proposals of teachers and students to improve the organization of the educational process, pedagogical design, the introduction of specialized platforms for working in an online environment will significantly improve the quality of online learning, increase the protection of the interests of participants in this process, the degree of readiness of the university to participate in digital transformation and overcome the restrictions caused by the pandemic, and prepare the necessary personnel for this

  • Романова Жанна Леонидовна
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Authors: Romanova Zhanna Leonidovna
Рубрика: Педагогические науки
Pages: 124 - 129
УДК: 378.1:004.771
DOI: 10.30725/2619-0303-2022-1-124-129
Keywords: online learning, distance learning format, advantages and disadvantages of online learning, remote learning, organization of educational activities, pandemic, COVID-19
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