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вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного
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Experts in «valued» affairs and their work on Moscow land in the 17th century

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The material and cultural heritage of researchers inevitably poses «eternal» questions of the relationship between the East and the West. A key factor that determined the cultural and historical development of Russia was the active entry of the Eastern Slavs into the historical arena, the formation of its statehood at the beginning of the 17th century. At the same time, along with the famous originality of Russian culture, a certain dialogue took place between the Western «Renaissance-Baroque» culture and the national tradition of Russia, which is quite stable and has survived to the present. The most important link of this dialogue of cultures and the guide of the new was the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Historical materials indicate that the formation of decorative art, for the Russian model on the Moscow lands in the 17th century, was highly effective and decisive influence by Belarusian, Polish and Lithuanian masters. The process of «cultural introduction» covered various areas of creative and craft activity, which is well traced in the works of Belarusian woodcarvers who decorated the decoration of Moscow churches and monasteries, which was brought by Belarusian heads to the Moscow lands, until that moment unknown in Russia, was universally found in churches and was called the «Belarusian cut». Based on scientific and analytical research, historical information, iconographic material, «migration» and the degree of influence of «foreign» experts on the formation of style features of the art of Moscow were considered. This is manifested in the appearance of new pictorial motifs, technological techniques, coloristic solution and the complication of the relief image in samples that can be observed in collections of museums, archives and preserved architectural objects.

  • Ковалек Ирина Артуровна
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Authors: Kovaliok Iryna Arturovna
Рубрика: Искусствоведение
Pages: 145 - 152
УДК: [72.04:73](47)”16”
DOI: 10.30725/2619-0303-2022-1-145-152
Keywords: architectural ceramics, tiles, valuable craftsmen, valuers, ceramic production, glaze, enamel, ornament, color, baroque style, decorative and applied art
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