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«Black Sea Cossacks» by I. D. Popko in the author’s personal documents

  • Annotation
  • Authors
  • List of references

The article examines the history of the publication of the first serious work on the history of the Kuban (Black Sea) Cossacks «Black Sea Cossacks in their civil and military life» and its significance in the historiography of this issue. The indicated problem is considered through the prism of the personal and official papers of the author - Lieutenant General of the Kuban Cossack Army, historian, ethnographer and educator I. D. Popko, which are archived in the State Archive of the Stavropol Territory. The package of documents included the official correspondence of the author and P. S. Lebedev with his Own office of the august children, represented by N. V. Zinoviev and G. F. Gogel, and private messages of I. D. Popko to his friend V. F. Zolotarenko, as well as to M. Ya. Olshevsky and N. S. Ryndovsky. In addition, the article uses A. I. Verigin’s epistles to friends with a request to assist in the dissemination of this work.

  • Дубинин Игорь Владимирович
  • Иванцов Игорь Григорьевич
  • 1. Popko I. D. The Black Sea Cossacks in their civil and military life: essays of the region, society, armed forces and service: in 17 stories, with an epilogue, a card and 4 draw. from nature: in 2 p. Saint-Petersburg: typ. P. A. Kulisha, 1858. 292 (in Russ.).
  • 2. Turenko A. M. Historical notes on the Black Sea Army. Kiev: tip. A. Davidenko, 1887. 149 (in Russ.). 
  • 3. Zolotarenko V. F. The city of Ekaterinodar of the forties of the last century: the manuscript «The Lament of Vasily at the Kuban River». News of the Society of Lovers of the Study of the Kuban Region. Ekaterinodar, 1909. 4, 43–72 (in Russ.). 
  • 4. State Archive of the Stavropol Territory (SA Stavropol Territory). F. 377. Op. 1. D. 7 (in Russ.). 
  • 5. SA Stavropol Territory. F. 377. Op. 1. D. 10 (in Russ.). 
  • 6. Kostomarov N. I. (comp.). Analysis of the essay of Popka «Black Sea Cossacks». Thirtieth award of the awards established by P. N. Demidov. June 16, 1861. Saint-Petersburg, 1861. 131–142 (in Russ.).
Authors: Dubinin Igor Vladimirovich
Ivancov Igor Grigorievich
Рубрика: Документальная информация
Pages: 173 - 177
УДК: 929:39(470.630)”1819/93”
DOI: 10.30725/2619-0303-2022-1-173-177
Keywords: Black Sea cossacks, Kuban Cossack Army, I. D. Popko, P. S. Lebedev, cossacks
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