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Web-tools in distance learning of Master of Library and information activities

  • Annotation
  • Authors
  • List of references

For the first time, the experience of using various digital tools in distance learning for Master of Library and information activities at Tambov State University, obtained during the quarantine period in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic, is analyzed. The role of the Moodle educational platform as an organizational basis for distance learning is shown. The forms of using Zoom, Webinar.ru, and YouTube services are described. The productivity of using specific web tools in organizing online classes is shown in terms of visibility, team and individual work with students, and the ability to re-view the recording of classes for better assimilation of materials. Typical organizational, technical, socio-psychological and ethical problems of distance learning are identified. The functions of web tools are highlighted: information, communication, simulation, control. The conclusion is made about the prerequisites and factors that affect the success of the transition to distance learning, such as the quality of the content of the basic educational platform of distance learning, the level of digital competencies of teachers and students, effective time management, etc.

  • Стефановская Наталия Александровна
  • 1. Polat E. S., Beshenkov S. A., Bukharkina M. Yu. Theory and practice of distance learning: a textbook. Moscow: Academia, 2004. 414 (in Russ.).
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Authors: Stefanovskaya Natalia Alexandrovna
Рубрика: Документальная информация
Pages: 184 - 188
УДК: 378.016:004.771
DOI: 10.30725/2619-0303-2022-1-184-188
Keywords: distance learning, master’s degree, library and information activities, web tools, pandemic, educational platforms, digital technologies
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