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Problems of preserving and actualization the heritage of folk-art crafts

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Folk art crafts are a unique cultural phenomenon, the preservation and actualization the heritage of which seems to be the one of the ecological problems in the light of the recognition at the state level and in the scientific community of the importance of the successive development of culture in the interests of society. The heritage of folk-art crafts in all their type and species diversity has a high information potential as a cultural phenomenon and value as a carrier of the cultural code of national and local significance, however, being outside the understanding of cultural heritage as a valuable part of social memory, it is excluded from the process of sustainable development of society. Studying the history of folk-art crafts in a wide historical and cultural context, defining the episteme of the heritage of folk-art crafts – these are the priority tasks for introducing the heritage of folk-art crafts into the integral system of cultural heritage as its organic part with the aim of further developing measures for its preservation and inclusion in the current culture. For the first time, the article presents a scheme of periodization of the general development of folk art crafts on the basis of the adaptive-activity approach to the culture of E. S. Markaryan, the current directions of the study of folk art crafts at the same time as an economic and cultural phenomenon are identified, the forms of actualization of the heritage of crafts that exist today are analyzed and the current risks associated with the commodification of the heritage of folk art crafts are identified.

  • Семерицкая Ольга Владимировна
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Authors: Semerickaja Olga Vladimirovna
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 102-107
УДК: 745.011.26:351.85
DOI: 10.30725/2619-0303-2022-3-102-107
Keywords: folk art crafts, heritage of folk-art crafts, cultural heritage, territory of folk-art crafts, tourism in folk art crafts
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