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Integration of activities of library, university and professional public organizations for library specialists training

  • Annotation
  • Authors
  • List of references

It is proposed to integrate the activities of libraries, universities and public organizations, including the training of library specialists, as a mechanism for library advocacy on the example of the Tambov region. Qualification characteristics, requirements for library specialists training through the “binding” of hard skills and soft skills, ways of educational process redesign and academic disciplines are determined. Examples of integration of university, library and public organization are given. The ways of library personnel training system improvement, including obtaining an additional qualification “Information / Digital Curator” and developing social partnership, are proposed. The proposed mechanism contributes to library advocacy to protect the interests of libraries and increase library profession prestige.

  • Пронина Людмила Алексеевна
  • 1. Mamaeva S. A. Library advocacy: what the RLA can do. Library business. 2012. 20 (182), 2–6 (in Russ.).
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  • 4. Ivonina A. I., Chulanova O. L., Davletshina Yu. M. Modern directions of theoretical and methodological developments in the field of management: the role of soft skills and hard skills in the professional and career development of employees. Science studies: online j. 2017. 9 (1). URL: http://naukovedenie.ru/PDF/90EVN117. pdf (accessed: May 15.2022) (in Russ.). 
  • 5. Varlamova D. (ed.), Sudakov D. (ed.). Atlas of new professions 3.0. Moscow: Alpina PRO, 2021. 472. URL: https://atlas100.ru/upload/pdf_files/atlas.pdf (accessed: May 18.2022) (in Russ.). 
  • 6. Khodyachikh N. Yu. What are soft skills and why are they so important for a career? Diary of luck: website. URL: http://dnevnyk-uspeha.com/rabota-i-karera/chtotakoe-soft-skills-i-pochemu-oni-tak-vazhnyi-dlya-kareryi. html (accessed: July 03.2022) (in Russ.).
Authors: Pronina Ljudmila Alexeevna
Рубрика: Документальная информация
Pages: 178-182
УДК: 023.5:[378+061.2]
DOI: 10.30725/2619-0303-2022-3-178-182
Keywords: library, university, public organization, hard skills, soft skills, integration of library activities
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